
Balmoral Castle in the Sky

newsflash... spoon runs away with dish...

google earth, sky, you can do this...

I wonder if they'll live here ;)

"... oh, the pope IS smokin'..."



mars, google earth

"go there"
click to enlarge
see co.ordinates
enjoy :)

I've added layers and lights, otherwise, the landscape is all GE



... not yet...

we need the planet, give me a minute to eat something.
i'll go again...

"... they should take this more seriously..."

I can't help that.... 'your creation' ;)

I can only go again...

"... we could do like last time, just leave clues everywhere, go get a shake..."

yea, we could...


dear god....
i told you, they don't care.

dear pacal....
i told you, they don't care.

dear albert....
i told you, they don't care.

dear pharaohs...
i told you, they don't care.

dear leon.... dave, hal....
you were right.
they don't care.

dear everyone else....
not sure what's next but you gotta get me off this midnight shift. ;)

... dear pope....
you should say something, they 'know you'.



".... I was always here .... "

google earth image i saw
near Dahshur….

and dancer and prance there, they did…

"what did I say about that rain, dear..." ;)~

"the best part of Psusennes?"... her eyes

the pupil... the black pyramid
earring... the bent pyramid
hatgem... the red pyramid

“…. a hat shep and a
ssueZ …”

got that earring tuned? ;)